Saco de Polietileno

"High Resistance G" Plaster




This alpha plasters works using a rate of 30 to 40 cc water with 100 g powder to get great hardness and strength after setting.

Compressive Strength

600 Kg/cm2 after 48 hr of setting and using a rate of 40 cc water with 100 g powder.

Setting Expansion

It is not controlled and goes from 0.5 to 1.0% linear.


90% pass trough a 200 mesh.

“Vicat” Setting Time

Of 8 to 12 minutes.


25 Kg polyethylene bags. It is made in white.


Multiuse: used in handmade industry, pottery, etc. Any place where a hard and maximum quality plaster is required.

Physical Properties


Water to 100g of Powder

30 – 40 mL

"Vicat" Time

8 – 12  minutes

Compressive Strength

DRY (24 hr)

600  Kg/cm2

Setting Expansion

0.5 - 1.0% linear

Particle Size

74 micron