"Omega V" Gypsum Rock Type V




Is a dental stone plaster of last generation and great quality, is fabricated with superiority technology, the plaster is type V. To pour mold, dies. Omega has smoothness and court facility, also superficial hardness and compressive strength over any material.


Ivory and green mint.


Card box with 10 polyethylene’s recipients containing 1 Kg.

Physical properties


Water to 100g of powder

20 – 22 mL

Working Time

3 – 5  minutes

“Vicat” Time

6 – 7  minutes

Compressive Strength

WET (1 hr)

800  Kg/cm2

DRY (48 hrs)

1600  Kg/cm2

Setting Expasion

0.02 - 0.05%  linear

Particle Size

62 micron